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T H E    N E W E S T    B O X I N G     E X P E R I E N C E    I N    S C O T T S D A L E

High Energy Group Classes

& Personal Training

The BOX ONYX Experience

ONYX BOXING is a unique Scottsdale-based Fitness Boxing Studio which takes an innovative approach to providing an EMPOWERING and AUTHENTIC boxing experience that will leave you feeling refreshed and renewed. We provide our clients with a variety of options when it comes to managing their overall physical health, mental health, and overall wellness. Make the positive lifestyle change you’ve been wanting; see what ONYX BOXING has to offer you.

BOX ONYX Is for Everyone

ONYX BOXING is made up of highly skilled boxing fitness professionals who deeply value your health and wellbeing. Every boxing coach/instructor/trainer here at ONYX goes through rigorous testing in order to become an authenticated Certified USA BOXING Coach. We take great pride in providing our community with high quality, member-centric care and boxing education.  Proactive and preventative measures help keep our community healthier, and we work with that idea in mind.  ONYX BOXING has the wellness services you’d like when you’re feeling great, and the emergency services you need when feel like getting some frustrations out. Come in and check us out.

What is it that fuels you?    For us, ONYX BOXING, OUR INCREDIBLE STAFF AND - most importantly - OUR INSPIRING MEMBERS AND GUEST.  We love Boxing it's our passion, it's what motivates us, it's what empowers others, and sharing all of our knowledge and expertise with our clients. ONYX BOXING is truly my our  passion project, gaining more and more traction each day. 

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